Thursday, February 28, 2019

Book Clubs

In Reading, the kids have chosen a skill they need to work on and have made Book Clubs to meet and help each other reach different goals. They are working hard on fluency, literary language, and keeping track of longer books.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Field Trip

Our class took a field trip to the Barlow Planetarium and Weis Museum. We learned about our solar system, landforms, and some history of Wisconsin.

Wind Erosion

Our class is continuing to learn about erosion in Science. We know that wind and water can cause erosion, so we made plans and built barriers to protect against wind erosion.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Science - Erosion

We're learning about erosion in Science. In our exploration, the kids had to move boulders from the top of a mountain down through the river. At each bend, boulders broke in half. At the end, some of the sand was deposited into the ocean, and some was left on the beach.